Dr. Bailey has published content in the:
President’s Daily Brief (PDB). The PDB compiles the Intelligence Community’s highest level intelligence analysis targeted at the key national security issues and concerns of the President. The PDB is given only to the President, the Vice President, and a very select group of Cabinet-level officials designated by the President.
World Intelligence Review (WIRe). The WIRe is an electronic publication aimed at senior policy and security officials throughout the US Government. Many items from the WIRe are available to major US military commands.
Federal government publication databases in the Department of Defense (DOD). Publications included assessments and counterintelligence notes.
Podcast Show with Co-Host: Dr. Bailey
The National Defense (NATDEF) podcast show at the National Defense University, delivers insightful and relevant discussions that advance audience knowledge, wisdom, and understanding of pressing topics, such as national security, cyberspace, and information environment.
To view all interviews, visit: NATDEF Podcast Show
Lieutenant General (Ret.) & Former National Defense University President, Michael T. Plehn
U.S. Intelligence with former Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence (USD-I), Dr. Michael G. Vickers & Matt Zacharias
China’s Theater-Range Dual-Capable Delivery Systems/with Christopher Andrews & Justin Anderson, INSS
NATDEF with Brian Noland, DHS CI Branch Chief & Georgetown University Adjunct Professor
NATDEF (Part 1) with Dr. Mariya Omelicheva & Dr. Natalie Baker, on Humanitarianism
NATDEF (Part 2) with Dr. Mariya Omelicheva & Dr. Natalie Baker on COVID 19 & Securitization